Monday, September 1, 2008

KNOW ME.....

Hey a lot of u know me as the cat girl, well yes its time u get to know who I actually am…
My name is Aliza Zaidi, I basically came from Islamabad, did my A’ levels there and lived there for 2 years…..the rest of my life I have spent in a country called Kuwait, it’s in the mideast…..
Why I choose to do media sciences is very different from why the rest of u are doing it……I basically plan to become an EVENT ORGANISER, in other words a WEDDING PLANNER….well yes I love marriages….. It’s that one particular event where u can get as much attention u want, being treated royally and being the center of attention…..
That about it!!! I will be going to Switzerland for my masters… and then I will start my own firm……
According to me the sole purpose of my life is animals…. I love animals let it even be a snake or a lizard… well if there is any thing I dislike is cockroaches, eeewww they disgust me…
Over all um a simple, crazy in the head and extra friendly person who loves hanging out, fighting and love listening to peoples problems… and guess what I can even cook food… I have this wild passion for cooking trust me I am not at all bad in it…And I’ll surely cook u something soon….
This is all about ME, MYSELF & I……


Alina said...

oh like you really cook well=P
wow..i will try out someday=P
jokes apart,
good job!=)

aalizeh said...

yea!!! ur most welcome....
oh by the way did u notice somthing me, u and aswa have one thing in common :P i swear i didnt cheat.......

Anonymous said...
