Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Coookoorookooo, cookoorookooo.....
Oh there starts the alarm... its just 4 am right now....oh its time to cook sehri... Have to hurry with the food...
The maid is still asleep, why have i even hired this female, all she does is sleep..
Well i guess i have to do this all by myself.. at last the food is ready.. Now i have to wake the kids.. damn i spilled the juice.... gr8 i forgot the toast in the toaster.. ohhh god why is everything becoming a mess, at least not 15 Min's before i have to invite the princess and prince and the king for sehri.. have to start all over again....
Grrrr...... the cats are hungry now.. i hate this ciaos... SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!!!
what the point of even thinking all this, as if anyone will have the courtesy to help there mother cook.....

Monday, September 1, 2008

KNOW ME.....

Hey a lot of u know me as the cat girl, well yes its time u get to know who I actually am…
My name is Aliza Zaidi, I basically came from Islamabad, did my A’ levels there and lived there for 2 years…..the rest of my life I have spent in a country called Kuwait, it’s in the mideast…..
Why I choose to do media sciences is very different from why the rest of u are doing it……I basically plan to become an EVENT ORGANISER, in other words a WEDDING PLANNER….well yes I love marriages….. It’s that one particular event where u can get as much attention u want, being treated royally and being the center of attention…..
That about it!!! I will be going to Switzerland for my masters… and then I will start my own firm……
According to me the sole purpose of my life is animals…. I love animals let it even be a snake or a lizard… well if there is any thing I dislike is cockroaches, eeewww they disgust me…
Over all um a simple, crazy in the head and extra friendly person who loves hanging out, fighting and love listening to peoples problems… and guess what I can even cook food… I have this wild passion for cooking trust me I am not at all bad in it…And I’ll surely cook u something soon….
This is all about ME, MYSELF & I……